To unprotect "StarTrek: The Kobayashi Alternative" and allow it to be used from hard disk: Copy ST.EXE from the original diskette to a new disk or directory. e.g. copy st.exe b: Then, using DEBUG (in drive A): > b: B> rename st.exe *.x B> a:debug st.x - u c2b1 L 2 xxxx:C2B1 740C JZ 91BF Note: If the above line does not show the indicated contents, then do not proceed with this patch. - a c2b1 xxxx:C2B1 jmp c2be xxxx:C2B3 - w Writing 50617 Bytes - q B> rename st.x *.exe ST.EXE can now be executed from a backup disk or from a hard disk (or even a ram disk, which will speed it up significantly).