****************************** Managing Your Money Ver. 1.5 ******* Those people who have Andrew Tobias' MANAGING YOUR MONEY and a Hard Disk find it very inconvenient to put Disk 1 in Drive A to start up MYM. Below is an update to MYM Version 1.5 for people with Hard Disks to bypass this problem. If you have only floppy disks drives, this procedure won't help much. First, make sure you run INSTALL and specify MYM is to be run using a Hard Disk. Second, make a copy of MYM.EXE using the following DOS command making sure that MYM.EXE is on your Hard Disk: COPY MYM.EXE MYM.PGM /V Third, run DEBUG against MYM.PGM as follows with your input to DEBUG shown by the arrow "-->" : --> C>debug mym.pgm --> -d 4709 470d XXXX:4709 B8 01 02 CD 13 --> -d 4744 4745 XXXX:4744 75 CF --> -d efd0 efdf XXXX:EFD0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 --> -r cx CX EFD0 --> : If the above 4 displays do not show the same output, you are probability at a different level of MYM and will have to figure out a corresponding update using data from above and below. --> -a 4709 --> XXXX:4709 jmp efd0 --> XXXX:470C xor ax,ax --> XXXX:470E --> -a 4744 --> XXXX:4744 nop --> XXXX:4745 nop --> XXXX:4746 --> -a efd0 --> XXXX:EFD0 push bx --> XXXX:EFD1 mov ax,1453 --> XXXX:EFD4 mov [bx],al --> XXXX:EFD6 inc bx --> XXXX:EFD7 dec ah --> XXXX:EFD9 jnz efd4 --> XXXX:EFDB pop bx --> XXXX:EFDC jmp 470c --> XXXX:EFDF --> -r cx CX EFD0 --> :efe0 --> -w Writing EFE0 bytes --> -q C> Finally, rename MYM.EXE to MYM.BAK . Then rename MYM.PGM to MYM.EXE . MYM.BAK is now your unmodified, original MYM program. Save it incase the new version does not work. Your should no longer need to put Disk 1 in Drive A again. NOTE: if you run the updated version of MYM.EXE from a floppy disk, you will be prompted to put Disk 1,2 or 3 in other drives. This new version must be installed using INSTALL specifying a Hard Disk and must executed from a Hard Disk to work. ****************************** Managing Your Money Ver. 2.0 ******* HOW TO RUN "MANAGING YOUR MONEY(tm)" FROM A HARD DISK WITHOUT THE "KEY" DISK AND WITHOUT PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS If you wish to run "Managing Your Money" (including version 2.0) from a hard disk, but are annoyed by the requirement for having the original disk 1 in drive A, then read on.... Part of this ARC file is the program "MYMFIX.COM". All you have to do is to include this program in your "autoexec" file when running Managing Your Money. For instance, your "autoexec.bat" might look like this: DATE TIME MYMFIX (to install "MYMFIX") MYM MYMFIX (to uninstall "MYMFIX") That's all there is to it. MYM will no longer look for the key disk in drive A. If you are using version 2.0 of MYM, when the request is made to put the key disk in drive A, simply proceed as though you had actually inserted the disk. A request: If you find this program of value and wish to encourage the availability of similar programs in the future, then you may wish to contribute $10 to the author at the address below: Herbert Sorock 2241 Thornwood Avenue Wilmette, IL 60091 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Managing Your Money" is a registered trademarks of Micro Education Corporation of America.