THE GREAT BROWN BAG WORD PROCESSOR HOAX The latest issue of PC Magazine (April 15, 1986) has a free disk enclosed - a full working copy of the Brown Bag Word Processing program with Mail Merge. Wow! What a great idea and what a great magazine! But what's this - there's something about "Unlocking" the copy protected disk for $85 - If I don't, it's going to suddenly stop working after a while. I couldn't resist the temptation to test their copy protection - sure enough, even the latest versions of COPYIIPC and COPYWRIT admit defeat in trying to make a copy. By this time I'm thinking that this program must really be something special - mass marketing it to everyone in the world who buys PC Magazine and incorporating the very latest copy protection methods. I'd better try this program out - maybe it's really worth it to unlock it for $85. I do a disk directory and recognize some familiar looking files - ED.EXE, HELPE.DEF, RULER.DEF, etc. I think, "this must be the wrong disk in the drive, because those are PC-WRITE files." Nope - it's the Brown Bag Word Processor alright. This can't be! I crank the program up and with the exception of an introduction screen identifying it as the Brown Bag Word Processor - it is PC-WRITE v2.55 - licensed by the author, Bob Wallace, to Brown Disk Manufacturing, Inc. What will they think of next? So - you get to try out this Brown Bag "mystery" program for an unspecified length of time, and just as you're starting to like it, it dies. You send off your $85 to get it fixed and you're happy again. But of course, you have to put up with the copy protection nonsense in the meantime. Wait! I have a great idea! Why not get a legal SHAREWARE copy of PC-WRITE v2.55 (if you are one of the .0001 % of the PC population that doesn't already have a copy), try it out for as long as you wish, and then register if you choose to do so. No copy protection, no "rigged" program that dies just as you are getting used to it, but the same program with the same capabilities. What do I think of this particular "FREE, ACTUAL FULL-FEATURED, FULL-FUNCTIONAL PROGRAM OFFER"? (I'll bet you can't guess). Well, I think PC Magazine is an excellent magazine, the idea of putting a trial or demo disk in the magazine is a good one, and PC-WRITE is a very good editor (I am a registered owner). BUT - putting a copy protected, boobytrapped, identical clone of a readily available SHAREWARE program in a magazine with no reference to the fact that it really is just another program in disguise - well, that stinks! They'll probably make a ton of money from all of the people who don't know any better - and that makes it smell even worse! ---- Mike Miller Orlando, Florida 03-15-86